To be honest, I get all nervous when it's me the one that's in front of the camera. I don't do well when I'm the focus of attention. It has also taken me a long time to understand that it's okay to do things for me, even if it doesn't make sense to others or to me!

The truth is I have a lot of insecurities and feel like that's all that's being seen.

That's why from the booking process to the day of the session my purpose is to have a better understanding of you, to help you feel as comfortable as possible the day of your session. I don't want you to come into your session wondering if I'll get your good side, I want you to feel like I'm the creative director, and my whole job is to make you look good! Because it is :) don't just take beautiful pictures. I provide you with a solid foundation that will help you be better prepared for your session. When it comes to the day of your session I direct and pose you and explain why I'm posing you a certain way, so you understand the vibes that I'm going for.

I'm all about Individuality.

Sure, I get creative with my sessions, but YOU are the one that will add that special something to them.

Don't be afraid to make it about you!

How it Started

It's crazy to me that I am making a career out of photography. I took a journalism class in Highschool. Even though I loved it & it was one of my favorite classes, there wasn't a strong enough connection for me to take it again, I wanted to keep exploring & see what other things my high school offered. Fast forward a few years, in 2018 (for those that care about specific details) I was talking to a friend about photography. Specifically, about Wedding & Quinceañera photography. That night I got home, went on Instagram, and started following a bunch of wedding photographers. To tell you that I was impressed by some of the work I saw is an understatement. I mean, the creativity that these people have was like nothing I had ever seen before.

Feeling bored with not much going on in my life & having an 8-5 that was draining my soul, I decided I would try photography. I reached out to a few photographers on Instagram. A few were kind enough to teach me what they knew. A few allowed me to shadow them on events they had, & a couple even took me with them to an out of state wedding - Thank you Jorge & Wendy for that fun and unforgettable experience. To say that I felt like I was being pushed into photography & so many people were willing to help me felt incredible. Something kept telling me to keep working on this craft. Not to mention how fulfilling this creative outlet felt for me.

Covid came around & everything was put on hold. After lockdown I kept trying event photography (mainly small weddings), but I just didn't feel comfortable being in that type of environment anymore, I felt emotionally drained after the events. So, I decided to stick with sessions that consisted of one person or a small group. I enjoyed how intimate these sessions felt and they allowed me to really get to know my clients. Also, I'm the type of person that likes to keep everyone happy and working with one client or a small group allows me to better control that.

So here I am now, enjoying the connections I get to make with my clients during their sessions. Getting to connect with individuals in a deeper and more artistic level. Helping them to believe in themselves and their craft.

Some Fun Stuff About Me

  • For the Astrology fans out there - I am a Virgo sun, Libra rising, & my moon is in Sagittarius (I think I covered the most important planets, I think I have my birth time right, my mom didn't sound so convincing when I asked her :/
  • I am a recipient of DACA. I'm from the beautiful state of Michoacán in Mexico & yes, I am pretty fluent in Spanish. I say pretty fluent because I don't know big Spanish words, I only know Spanish del rancho. But I am trying to read books in Spanish to improve my vocabulary.
  • I decided to quit drinking alcohol in early August of 2022. I wasn't a big drinker, but when I did drink alcohol it was not for the right reasons.
  • The day I'll always remember is the day my first niece was born. ILY Damaris :D
  • I have a husky mix, her name is Ellie, she is 6 (as of January 2024). She enjoys being the only 'child' in the house.
  • I am an early bird - I feel like I can get more done when I wake up early due to less distractions. I get distracted easily.
  • I get embarrassed and dislike when I feel like I am the center of attention :(
  • Something that most don't know about me: I have my cosmetology license. I worked for almost a year in a beauty salon, but ultimately, I felt like that was my mom's dream for me to do, not really mine.
  • At karaoke, I'm signing horribly - and this is not done on purpose.
  • If I had a superpower, it would be to end world hunger.
  • I'm at my happiest when I give thanks for all the blessings that come my way. It's incredible how much your mood & appreciation towards life can change when you reflect on all the good.
  • Something that I could not live without is my family.
  • I enjoy traveling. I realized that some of the most special places I've been to, became special because I was able to connect with the locals. There's a tip if you really want to make the most out of a trip.

I truly believe that life is all about creating memories!


Me too!! Let's connect!

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